Monday, May 14, 2007

What is a Cootie!

---A cootie is usually a small piece of carving rubber, that becomes a small stamp. This stamp then will be planted on someone that is usually unaware of what is going on around them. Pockets, hoods, backpacks too! All perfect places to plant a cootie. Just don't get caught!
Posted by team new hampshire at 6:

Different Cooties.

---There are many kinds of cooties. They can come in all different shapes and sizes. Sometimes cooties can be found on the end of clips, attached to clothespins, in empty film canisters, where ever something small can fit. Not all cooties have logbooks. To asure that they are small enough to be passed without notice, they do tend to be lacking the logbook that most all letterboxes have. What cooties should have at the least, is a name writin on them. This is key for logging purposes.
If a cootie has a logbook, usually they are quite small. This sometimes makes it hard to stamp the logbbok with your signature stamp. What somepeople do, is stamp in with a fingerprint. Yes it can get messy, but we letterbox in the woods rummaging through leaves at times. A little ink never hurt anyone.

How Do You Cootie Someone?

---First and foremost, find someone you want to plant a cootie on. A wonderful target is someone with an open pocket in thier backpack, or someone with a hooded sweatshirt. Once you have found your target, you will need to be stealthy as possible. The whole idea is to not get caught. Walk up to this person and possibly strick up a conversation, stare into thier logbook and coment on some of the images you see, or just plant and run. If you do it right, they won't notice you were there and they will find it a short time later. Sometimes not until they get home.
Somethings you should stay clear of are closed backpacks. DO NOT open backpack solely for planting a cootie. This is a big no no in the letterboxing community. We all tend to trust each other, but we can easliy destroy that sense of trust by going somewhere we shouldn't be. Another place to stay clear of are people who have been lots of cooties on them. If you walk up to a bag and you look in and see a bunch of cooties, they are not paying attention or they are hording all the cooties. Sometime, Letterboxes get to talking and never realize what has happened until it is much to late to continue to pass them out again.